API Reference
Initializes the Chatvisor SDK Configuration.
init(tenantId: String, token: String)
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithTenantId:(NSString * _Nonnull)tenantId token:(NSString * _Nonnull)token;
Additional configuration options
Set server URL to which SDK connects to
func setServerUrl(_ serverUrl: String)
- (void)setServerUrl:(NSString * _Nonnull)serverUrl;
Set CDN URL to which SDK connects to
func setCdnUrl(_ cdnUrl: String)
- (void)setCdnUrl:(NSString * _Nonnull)cdnUrl;
Set the background color of the overlay in co-browsing
func setOverlayBackgroundColor(_ overlayBackgroundColor: UIColor)
- (void)setOverlayBackgroundColor:(UIColor * _Nonnull)overlayBackgroundColor;
Set the control buttons color of the overlay in co-browsing
func setControlsColor(_ controlsColor: UIColor)
- (void)setControlsColor:(UIColor * _Nonnull)cdnUrl;
Set sharing configuration
func setSharingConfiguration(_ sharingConfig: SetupSharingConfiguration?)
- (void)setSharingConfiguration:(SetupSharingConfiguration * _Nonnull)sharingConfig;
Initializes the Chatvisor SDK Sharing Configuration.
- Parameter appGroupId: App group ID eg. "group.[domain].[yourcompany].[yourapp]". Visit
https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/configuring-app-groups for more information.
public init(appGroupId: String)
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithAppGroupId:(NSString * _Nonnull)appGroupId;
- Enables sharing and retrieving Co-Browsing sessions from the App group container. Default: false
Sessions are shared between different apps belogining to the same App group on the same device. When enabled,
Co-Browsing session will be shared with the App group on session start and deleted on session end by the initiator app.
Another app belonging to the same App group can retrieve the session and join it.
var sessionSharingEnabled: Bool
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL sessionSharingEnabled;
Initializes the Chatvisor SDK.
- Parameter config SetupConfiguration instance
static func setup(with config: SetupConfiguration)
+ (void)setupWith:(SetupConfiguration * _Nonnull)config;
Start session
Starts a new session
func start()
- (void)start;
Starts a new session
- Parameter result success: shareId: String or failure: Error
func start(_ result: @escaping (LiveView.ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)start:(void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Join existing session
Joins existing session
- Parameter session: SharedSession
- Parameter result success: shareId: String or failure: Error
func join(session: SharedSession, _ result: @escaping (ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)join:(SharedSession*)session (void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Stop session
Disconnects the current cobrowsing-session
func stop() -> Void
- (void)stop;
Retrieve connection state
Returns the current connection state
func connectionState() -> LiveView.ChatvisorConnectionState
- (ChatvisorConnectionState)connectionState;
Monitor connection state
Registers callback for connection state changes
- Parameter callback: Called when a session connection state changes
func onConnectionStateChange(callback: LiveView.ConnectionStateResult?)
- (void)onConnectionStateChangeWithCallback:(ConnectionStateResult _Nullable)callback;
Retrieve Share Id
Returns the share Id to identify the session
func shareId() -> String?
- (NSString * _Nullable)shareId
Retrieve shared session
Returns a Co-Browsing SharedSession instance if one exists within the App group or nil. SetupConfiguration must be configured with
an instance of SetupSharingConfiguration to enable this functionality. Sessions are shared with the App group when Co-Browsing
session starts and deleted when session ends by the session initiator app.
func sharedSession() -> SharedSession?
- (SharedSession * _Nullable)sharedSession
Enables or disables the default Co-Browsing UI
func setUIEnabled(_ enabled: Bool)
- (void)setUIEnabled:(Boolean)enabled;
// Shared session descriptor object
- Shared session ID.
sessionId: String
- Share ID. User / operator friendly version of sessionId
shareId: String
- Bundle ID of the session initiator app
initiatorBundleId: String
- CFBundleName of the session initiator app
initiatorName: String
- Date at which session started
startedAt: Date
Start session
Starts a new session
func start()
- (void)start;
Starts a new session
- Parameter result success: shareId: String or failure: Error
func start(_ result: @escaping (LiveView.ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)start:(void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Join existing session
Joins existing session
- Parameter session: SharedSession
- Parameter result success: shareId: String or failure: Error
func join(session: SharedSession, _ result: @escaping (ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)join:(SharedSession*)session (void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Stop session
Disconnects the current cobrowsing-session
func stop() -> Void
- (void)stop;
Retrieve connection state
Returns the current connection state
func connectionState() -> LiveView.ChatvisorConnectionState
- (ChatvisorConnectionState)connectionState;
Monitor connection state
Registers callback for connection state changes
- Parameter callback: Called when a session connection state changes
func onConnectionStateChange(callback: LiveView.ConnectionStateResult?)
- (void)onConnectionStateChangeWithCallback:(ConnectionStateResult _Nullable)callback;
Retrieve Share Id
Returns the share Id to identify the session
func shareId() -> String?
- (NSString * _Nullable)shareId;
Retrieve shared session
Returns a SharedSession instance if one exists within the App group
func sharedSession() -> SharedSession?
- (SharedSession * _Nullable)sharedSession
Tag session
Tags the current active session with a custom string value
- Parameter tag: Tag name as string
func tag(_ tag: String)
- (void)tag:(NSString * _Nonnull)tag;
Tags the current active session with a custom string value
- Parameter tag: Tag name as string
- Parameter result: success: Some or failure: Error
func tag(_ tag: String, _ result: @escaping (LiveView.ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)tag:(NSString * _Nonnull)tag result:(void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Connection state callback typealias
public typealias ConnectionStateResult = (_ state: LiveView.ChatvisorConnectionState) -> Void
Show chat
Opens the web chat
func open()
- (void)open;
Opens the web chat
- Parameter result success: Some or error
func open(_ result: @escaping (LiveView.ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)open:(void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Request notification permissions
Asks for notification authorization on the first call.
Registers the application for remote notifications.
Call this function when the permissions should be requested but in any case after initialization.
Notifications can only be received after this function is executed.
func requestNotificationAuthorization() -> Void
- (void)requestNotificationAuthorization;
Forward user opening notification
Opens the chatvisor chat for a received notification.
Call this function in application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:)
to open the chatvisor chat when the user taps on a chatvisor notification.
func didReceiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) -> Void
- (void)didReceiveRemoteNotificationWithUserInfo:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)userInfo;
Setup UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
Sets the UNUserNotificationCenter delegate.
Call this function from your application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) or
func setupUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate() -> Void
- (void)setupUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate;
Forward notifications when app is in foreground
Checks if the chat is already open. If not, it creates a notification.
Call this function in your UNUserNotificationCenter delegate's userNotificationCenter(_:willPresent:withCompletionHandler:).
This function returns true when it handles the notification and calls the completionHandler, false otherwise.
func processesNotification(notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) -> Void
- (BOOL)processesNotificationWithNotification(UNNotification * _Nonnull)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^ _Nonnull)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions))completionHandler SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
Initialize Firebase
Sets the FirebaseMessaging.FIRMessaging delegate.
Call this function from your application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) or
application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) if you do already have a custom
UNUserNotificationCenter delegate but no FIRMessaging delegate.
This function is called by initNotifications()
func initFirebase() -> Void
- (void)initFirebase SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY(none);
Setup Messaging delegate
Sets the FirebaseMessaging.FIRMessaging delegate.
Call this function from your application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) or
func setupMessagingDelegate() -> Void
- (void)setupMessagingDelegate;
Forward a new device token to the chatvisor SDK
Notifies the server about a new mobile device token.
func messaging(_ messaging: Messaging, didReceiveRegistrationToken fcmToken: Data) -> Void
- (void)messaging:(FIRMessaging * _Nonnull)messaging didReceiveRegistrationToken:(NSString * _Nonnull)fcmToken;
Tag user
Tags the current or any following session with the given user information until clear() is called
- Parameter user: ActiveUser instance
tag(_ user: ActiveUser)
- (void)tag:(ActiveUser * _Nonnull)user;
Tags the current or any following session with the given user information until clear() is called
- Parameter user: ActiveUser instance
- Parameter result: success: Some or failure: Error
tag(_ user: ActiveUser, _ result: @escaping (ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)tag:(ActiveUser * _Nonnull)user result:(void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Clear tag
Clears a user tag
func clear() -> Void
- (void)clear;
Start conference
Starts a video conference
- Parameter conferenceProperties conference properties with customer id
- Parameter showInviteDialog shows invite dialog before starting a conference
func start(conferenceProperties: ConferenceProperties, showInviteDialog: Bool = false)
- (void)startWithConferenceProperties:(ConferenceProperties * _Nonnull)conferenceProperties showInviteDialog:(BOOL)showInviteDialog = false;
Starts a video conference
- Parameter conferenceProperties conference properties with customer id
- Parameter showInviteDialog shows invite dialog before starting a conference
- Parameter result: success: Some or failure: Error
func start(conferenceProperties: ConferenceProperties, showInviteDialog: Bool, _ result: @escaping (ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)startWithConferenceProperties:(ConferenceProperties * _Nonnull)conferenceProperties showInviteDialog:(BOOL)showInviteDialog result:(void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Join conference queue
Joins a video conference
- Parameter conferenceProperties conference properties with customer id
func join(conferenceProperties: ConferenceProperties)
- (void)joinWithConferenceProperties:(ConferenceProperties * _Nonnull)conferenceProperties;
Joins a video conference
- Parameter conferenceProperties conference properties with customer id
- Parameter result: success: Some or failure: Error
func join(conferenceProperties: ConferenceProperties, _ result: @escaping (ChatvisorResult) -> Void)
- (void)joinWithConferenceProperties:(ConferenceProperties * _Nonnull)conferenceProperties result:(void (^ _Nonnull)(ChatvisorResult * _Nonnull))result;
Check queue status
Sets a callback for queue status polling. After joining the queue the callback is called every few seconds with the position in the queue.
When the position is -1, the conference should be started by calling start(context, properties).
- Parameter completion pass completion block
func queueStatus(completion: @escaping (Int)->())
- (void)queueStatusWithCompletion:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSInteger))completion;